
Thai Red Curry Paste

Thai Red Curry Paste


7-10 Red Dried chilis

5 -7 Blackpepper

1 Teaspoon of galingale chops

1 Tablespoon of lemongrass chops

1 Teaspoon of kaffir peel chop

3-5 Garlic peeled

1/2 Teaspoon of salt

1 Tablespoon of shrimp paste


Soak a dried chili in water till it soft, then ground it with rest ingredients except shrimp paste mix it well, when all ingredient are mixed well add a shrimp paste at last ground till it mix well.

           ** This is Thai original curry paste formula helps you to create a hundred menus of Thai curry.

This is a choice for easy cooking ;

Mae Ploy Thai Red Curry Paste - 14 ounce per jar   A Taste of Thai Red Curry Paste, 1.75-Ounce Packets (Pack of 12)